Your product cannot survive for long in the market if it lacks effective Warranty Management and thus, the benchmarked quality metrics. The current market works on the ‘Survival of the Fittest’.

The only solution to help your brand earn Smart profits is Digital Warranty Activation Management. Integrating well-formed Warranty Management into your business is sure to give you enhanced customer relationships and prevent warranty frauds.

Due to the rising tide of warranty frauds, companies should focus on adopting Digital Warranty Solutions. They provide you with the base for the long-term retention of the customers and the increased revenue.

Challenges faced by a few of our clients

Gone are the days of adopting paper-based warranty tools for your products. Brands are now using IoT-based digital warranty solutions This solution by Genefied has helped various industry partners like electronics, pumps, solar panels, helmets, etc.

The QR-code-based service provides high-end consumer services backed by the guarantee of controlling any warranty frauds and counterfeits in the market.

Markets are flooded by a huge number of competitors in each industry and an equal number of warranty-related frauds.

  • Loss of Revenue

With the rise in the number of frauds faced by our clients concerning their products’ warranty, there has been a downward trend in their revenues. When frauds increased, our clients had seen a downfall in their overall profits. Additionally, customers moved towards their competitors because of the availability of smart products with digital warranty solutions. Thus, causing additional loss.

  • Loss of Authenticity and Goodwill

Brands suffer from loss of their authenticity due to an increase in the frauds in the company’s name. Ultimately, the goodwill in the market is bound to fall. This leads to a further depressed curve from the loyalty retailers and the partners. Lack of authenticated warranty solutions leads your brand towards downfall in the market.

  • Increasing Fraudulent Claims

The use of traditional paper-based warranty methods has become prone to multiple ways of tampering. On the flip side, a digital warranty is error-free and risk-free.

  • Traditional Method is Time-Consuming

The traditional method of maintaining the warranty cards is time-consuming. It is also difficult to keep the warranty cards secured for long terms. Consumers may lose them or there might be tampering done, followed by bookkeeping errors in any form.

How DWAM helped various Brands?

DWAM (Digital Warranty Activation Management), a QR-code-based Digital Warranty service has shown remarkable results when it comes to the overall performance of our clients.

  • Cost-effective Solution:

Digital Warranty Management is the best cost-saving tool when it comes to authenticating your company’s product via warranty card. The overall costs can be saved in terms of administrative costs and also the printing costs as the system becomes completely automated.

  • Prevention of Fraudulent Warranty Claims

Digitalization of Warranty claims has made it easier and helped in the prevention of any fraudulent claims. IoT ensures the complete statistical data related to every product be maintained in the online database. A paperless warranty solution helps in the instant detection of any fraud or error.

  • Increased Revenue

With the increased authenticity of the company’s product, there is an upward rise in its retailers and customers and thus, revenue increases. This one-click QR-code makes it easiest for the supply chain partners to access the products’ details instantly, making your product popular in the market.

  • Customer Retention

Customers are attracted to the products when they are assured of their hassle-free warranty management especially concerning electronics and automobiles. If your brand is offering Digitally based Warranty Management, you are surely the winner of this race.

QR/Barcode based warranty scheme on the product also provides easy communication, boosts up the overall quality structure of your product. Also, it is another way of providing after-sales services to the customers leading to increased customer retention and commitment.

  • Retailers Loyalty 

QR code’s ease is also a source of retaining loyalty partners of your supply chain. It is a source of motivation for retailers due to a reduction in operation discrepancies. Retailers are the most important components of your brand’s supply chain. It is your responsibility to retain them for as long as possible. DWAM is another tool to provide them enhanced ease.

  • Hassle-Free Scheme

QR-Code is the easiest way to register the product online as when it is bought. It is a hassle-free activity for the companies and also the customers. The customer need not be tech-savvy and can easily scan the code via a mobile scanner and upload the invoice. The digital warranty solution is the one-stop solution for end-to-end traceability and helps brands to prevent their counterfeits and any frauds.

  • Increased Brand’s Reputation

A Digital Warranty solution ensures the rise in the credibility of your brand’s product. This in turn also increases the image of your company among your supply chain partners and consumers.

How to take advantage of DWAM?

To take the advantage of Digital Warranty Solutions, contact Genefied, the one-stop solution for your supply chain issues.

It offers DWAM i.e. Digital Warranty Activation Management, which can be integrated into your business to prevent any warranty-related fraud and abuse. Its QR-code-based feature is on its ability to be tamper-free in any manner.

Contact Genefied and let us streamline your brand’s warranty scheme

while reducing administrative costs and frauds,

boosting your product’s value and the company’s revenue.


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