Difference between traditional and smart documents

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Circulation of fake documents is growing faster than the pandemic and curbing duplication is a task of prime importance. To combat this issue, the world saw the introduction of smart documents that use QR codes for authentication. While a paper document can be easily forged, it is the smart document that can’t be faked easily.

The society is yet to learn the benefits of smart documents, but is heading towards digitalization of documents in every sector. It is the difference between the traditional and smart documents that makes the education and corporate sector adopt the digital documents.

Through this blog post, let’s have a look at the aspects that will explain the difference between both.

  1. Verification

What’s in a certificate if its authenticity can’t be verified easily? Verification of authenticity plays an imperative role in drawing a fine line between the age-old documents and smart documents.

Traditional documents: Verification gets cumbersome and the document holder faces the trouble of proving its genuineness to the third party. This increases the complexity for the holder and makes him run from one end to another to prove the document’s authenticity to the concerned party.

Smart documents: Documents that use QR codes for authentication keep the document holder away from the hassles that traditional documents have. Such documents allow easy verification of the integrity of the content contained in the document with the use of QR code.

2. Privacy

Maintaining the privacy of a document isn’t as easy as it seems and affects the document holders and the issuing authorities.

Traditional documents: Traditional documents have been a part of each sector for ages. However, they couldn’t manage to weed out the menace of upkeeping the privacy, especially of the document holder.

Smart documents: The smart documents authentication method breaks through the barriers and manages to safeguard the details of the person to whom the document belongs. QR codes are ubiquitous today and can be scanned using any smartphone, which makes authentication convenient.


Be it an academic certificate, office documents, medical records, freight records or any other document, ease of accessibility matters a lot.

Traditional documents: Going by the nature of documents that have been there since ages, we can say that they are not the providers of one-stop access to a person’s details. One has to refer to various other sources to verify the document’s content. All this makes things doubtful and tedious for the document holder and the verifier.

Smart documents: With the presence of smart documents, educational institutes & other organizations get one-stop access to a person’s documents and allow them to verify its authenticity.

4. Classification

Saving the time of the document’s reader is crucial due to constant modernization. Ease of readability of a document is what people look out for.

Traditional documents: With these documents, it is not easy for the user to read only the required information and has to go through the whole content. Lack of this excellent feature makes traditional documents an obsolete thing.

Smart documents: QR codes can classify the information contained in them present in specific areas within the code. As a result, a person finds it easy to go through the content and read only the required information. He can read the information stored on one or the other side.


QR codes have revolutionized the world of documents authentication. Times have changed and each sector of the market has embraced QR codes for verification of documents.

Genefied is a name known for providing premium solutions for certificate authentication issues. Our Certificate Authentication Platform (CAP) is a one-of-its-kind solution that holds the potential to mark the onset of modernization in the document world.

Call us today to know more about our solution!

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