Ever imagined that the power of your sales and marketing is amazingly phenomenal and has helped you reach the current level you are at? Our dynamic QR codes are currently being trained for a value-based loyalty model (with instant gratification for your retail) with boosting sales. This is under review with India’s largest cooperatives for farmers and fully functional with some pharma & FMCG brands across the country, including a NEWSPAPER giant (NEWSPAPER, Ayush how the hell are you putting a QR codes on it ? later in the next blog)
Remember we told you about our retailer loyalty automation where the retailer gains from scanning the QR code (on the primary/secondary packaging, further we suggested the clients divide this loyalty into two parts for a Retailer
What has this to do with your sales and marketing?
From Marketing POV
The Sales Jump
(Let’s come straight to the point for our beloved heroes)
The point is that you already give schemes and incentives why not maximize the potential via tech. GenuineMark can surely help for your exponential growth while capturing data. Isn’t that amazing?
Further, this is just our customization for a brand and we can tweak a few things for you as per your brand.
Contact us for more details to help you slide through this great tool we’ve just enhanced in GenuineMark.
Stay at home and grow with data strategies!